Dr Robert Chapman
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2020 - present: Senior Lecturer, Discipline of Chemistry, University of Newcastle
2015 - 2020: Vice Chancellors Research Fellow, DECRA Fellow and Lecturer, School of Chemistry, UNSW
2012-15: PDRA (Biomedical Engineering), Imperial College London, Stevens Group
2009-13: PhD (Chemistry), University of Sydney
2008-09: Associate Consultant, Boston Consulting Group
2002-07: B. Eng (Ind. Chem. Hons 1) UNSW
I am a senior lecturer in chemistry in the School of Environmental and Life Sciences with expertise in a broad range of polymer chemistry, peptide driven self assembly, drug delivery, tissue engineering and in nanoparticle based biosensing.
Prior to joining the University of Newcastle, I completed a BEng in Industrial Chemistry (2002-07) at UNSW. After a year working in management consulting for the Boston Consulting Group, I moved to the University of Sydney for my PhD in Chemistry (2009-12) under Profs. Sebatien Perrier and Katrina Jolliffe, where I studied the synthesis and self assembly of cyclic peptide - polymer conjugates. I subsequently worked as a postdoctoral research associate in the lab of Prof. Molly Stevens at Imperial College London (2013-15) on the development of nanomaterial based biosensors and scaffolds for tissue engineering, before returning to the School of Chemistry at UNSW as a Vice-Chancellors Research Fellow (2016) and then Lecturer and DECRA fellow (2017-20). In 2020 I moved to the University of Newcastle as a lecturer in chemistry
PhD students
Carolin Bapp
(with Prof Erica Wanless)
Carolin has a B.Sc. in Biomedical Chemistry from the Johannes Gutenberg-University in Mainz, Germany and a M.Sc. in Chemistry from the University of Vienna, Austria. Her PhD work is focussing on depolymerization techniques for PE films.
Shegufta Farazi
(based at UNSW with Prof Martina Stenzel)
Shegufta has a B. Med. Chem (hons) from UNSW. She did her honours research project in the group (2018-19) on the design of nanogels for delivery of charged protein delivery. Her PhD work focusses on controlling the folding of single chain polymer nanoparticles and on using these as drug delivery vehicles.
Henry Foster
(based at UNSW with Prof Martina Stenzel)
Prior to starting his PhD in 2020, Henry completed a B. Adv. Sci (Hons 1) in the group (2018-19). He is the recipient of the Paddon Row scholarship, which is awarded to the highest ranked commencing local PhD student in the school each year. Henry works on the development of high throughput star shaped polymers and single chain polymer nanoparticles.
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Exchange students
Kaia Fiil Præstegaard
Kaia is a visiting PhD student from the Nanosmithery group at DTU Health Technology, Copenhagen, Denmark.
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Postdocs and Researchers
Emma Becroft
Emma is an organic chemist who studied natural product total synthesis at the University of Adelaide. She now works as a research associate focusing on the development of new small molecule frameworks for TRAIL mimics.
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Harrison Allwood
Harry is a third year BSc (Adv.) student majoring in organic chemistry. He currently works on the development of polymeric TRAIL mimics as potential chemotherapeutics.
Jakobi Stegh
Jakobi is a third year chemistry student at the University of Newcastle, and Laboratory Technician at Macquarie College. His research focuses on the synthesis of sequence-defined polymers.
Lachlan Hoffman
Lachlan is a third year chemistry student at the University of Newcastle. He is currently working on sequence defined polymers.
Thomas Laznik
Thomas is a third year chemistry student at the University of Newcastle, working on a collaborative project with CSIRO Black mountain.
Zifei Han (PhD, UNSW, 2024)
Ahmed Mustafa (PhD, UNSW, 2023)
Zihao (Alvin) Li (PhD, UNSW, 2022)
Daniele Melodia (PhD, UNSW, 2022)
Yiping Wang (PhD, UNSW, 2021)
Honours and Undergraduate:
Zachary Di Pietro (Honours, 2022-23)
Thomas Morris (Undergrad project, UoN, 2021)
Matthew McDonnald (Undergrad project, UoN, 2021)
Matthew Humphreys (Hons, UNSW, 2020)
Austin Lai (Hons, UNSW, 2019)
Alicia Cheng (Hons, UNSW, 2017)
Kecheng Li (MSc, UNSW, 2017)